How to Reduce Flare-Ups of Atopic Dermatitis - Advanced Dermatology Care
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How to Reduce Flare-Ups of Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis (AD), also known as eczema, is a common skin condition that affects millions of people around the world. AD can cause severe itchiness, redness, and inflammation, making it both physically and emotionally stressful for those who have it. The condition is often chronic and can be triggered by environmental factors, genetics, allergies, and stress. Fortunately, there are practical steps you can take to reduce flare-ups and manage your AD symptoms.

Firstly, it is essential to avoid harsh chemicals and fragrances that can harm your skin. Use mild and fragrance-free soaps, shampoos, and lotions that are gentle on the skin. When choosing skincare products, look for labels that say “hypoallergenic,” “non-comedogenic,” and “fragrance-free.” Avoid using hot water to bathe, as it can dry out and irritate your skin. Instead, use lukewarm water, pat your skin dry with a soft towel, and immediately apply a moisturizer to retain moisture.

Secondly, identify and avoid triggers that cause your condition to worsen. Common triggers include dust, pollen, pet dander, mold, and cigarette smoke. Try to limit your exposure to allergens by wiping surfaces frequently, using air purifiers, and avoiding outdoor activities on days when pollen counts are high. It is also recommended that you avoid wearing synthetic or woolen clothing and opt for cotton instead.

Thirdly, maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, staying active, and minimizing stress. Certain foods, such as dairy products and eggs, can cause skin irritation in some people. If you suspect that you have food allergies, consider keeping a food diary and eliminating suspected triggers from your diet. Exercise can help improve blood circulation and reduce stress levels, which can benefit your overall health. Managing stress is also crucial to prevent flare-ups since stress can weaken the immune system and exacerbate AD symptoms.

Fourthly, seek proper medical treatment from a dermatologist or doctor specializing in skin conditions. They can provide you with prescription topical medications, oral antihistamines, or immunosuppressants that can help relieve itching, inflammation, and redness. Your healthcare provider may also recommend phototherapy or light therapy, which involves exposure to ultraviolet light to manage your symptoms.

Fifthly, practice good sleep hygiene to reduce stress levels and improve the quality of your sleep. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night is optimal for most adults. Ensure your sleeping environment is conducive to sleep by keeping it dark, cool, and quiet. Consider using a white noise machine to mask external noise and help you relax. Use soft and breathable fabrics such as cotton sheets and blankets to avoid skin irritation.

A combination of lifestyle changes, avoiding triggers, using gentle skincare products, seeking medical treatment, and practicing good sleep hygiene can help you manage your atopic dermatitis symptoms and prevent flare-ups. It requires patience and discipline, but the result is worth it. Remember to consult your dermatologist or doctor for advice on managing your condition and follow their instructions strictly. With the right approach, you can reduce the impact that AD has on your daily life, improve your quality of life, and enjoy healthy and beautiful skin.


Advanced Dermatology Care of Southern California is a comprehensive dermatology group providing general & surgical dermatology, cosmetic enhancements and plastic surgery with two Southern California locations. Under the direction of Michael P. Tabibian, M.D., Medical Director, our collective experience aims to provide our patients innovative and highly individualized skin treatment solutions for patients of all ages and skin types.