Preventing Dry Hands from COVID-19 Handwashing - Advanced Dermatology Care
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Preventing Dry Hands from COVID-19 Handwashing

Washing Hands

During this time, you are more than likely doing everything you can to keep your hands as clean as possible. This includes constantly washing your hands, applying hand sanitizer, and using sanitation wipes. Although it is very important in order to kill any mucus or droplets that may contain the virus, excessive washing can cause your hands to dry out. Cleaning your hands frequently and consistently can strip your hands of its natural oils. This means that your hands are lacking the necessary moisture needed to feel soft and supple. Therefore, it is essential that you regularly apply a thick moisturizer all over your hands.

Moisturizers with fragrances can be irritating on sensitive skin so it is best to use a moisturizer that is fragrance free. Creams, Vaseline, and oils can also work well to hydrate any cracked skin. When you lather the product on your hands make sure to pay extra attention to your finger tips and between your fingers since that area tend to crack first. Additionally, if you suffer from a skin condition such as eczema or dermatitis there are certain soaps that can irritate your skin. If possible, opt for anti-microbial hand wash that are much more gentle on the skin. You can also use shea butter and aloe vera to soothe enflamed and irritated skin.

If your hands are extremely dry and you need intense hydration you can try a hand mask. Hand masks are very similar to face masks and provide a thick concentrated treatment. They usually come with gloves that you can put on while you let the treatment soak into your skin. Hand masks are extremely hydrating and are only necessary if you feel that your hands are very irritated and cracked. Wearing gloves can also provide a layer of protection that can help restrict amount of times you wash your hands. However, make sure to give your hands time to breathe because rubber gloves aren’t very breathable and can irritate your skin if sweat builds up.

Lastly, make sure to dry your hands thoroughly after washing. Drying your hands completely helps reduce the transmission of any bacteria, germs, and viruses. Use a paper towel to dry your hands, abstain from drying your hands on your shirt or jeans. Since it has been recommended by the CDC to stay home and practice social distancing this is the best time to take our skin care seriously. Make sure that your nighttime skin care routine includes your hands. This will keep your skin hydrated and moisturized throughout your entire quarantine!


Advanced Dermatology Care of Southern California is a comprehensive dermatology group providing general & surgical dermatology, cosmetic enhancements and plastic surgery with two Southern California locations. Under the direction of Michael P. Tabibian, M.D., Medical Director, our collective experience aims to provide our patients innovative and highly individualized skin treatment solutions for patients of all ages and skin types.