Prepping Your Skin In The Fall | Advanced Dermatology Care
LOS ALAMITOS: (562) 799-3330 | AGOURA HILLS: (818) 706-3744

Prepping Your Skin in the Fall


Taking care of your skin in the Fall can often times be overlooked in your day-to-day life. Summer is over and Winter has not yet begun, but there are specific things to keep in mind to keep your skin radiant and ready for Winter. It has been a strange Fall so far here in Southern California as we have been breaking record high temperatures. We are not complaining here, but we do love the cool crisp air of Fall. Because of the heat, we have been even more aware of our skins’ needs.

Stay Hydrated

Daily moisturizing is key to your skin’s elasticity and health. This not only means applying lotion on the outside of your skin but also by staying hydrated on the inside. Make sure to be drinking plenty of water so that your body can run at its optimal level. Water will help your body feel so much better. The skin is your largest organ; so don’t forget the benefits of staying hydrated.

Apply Sunscreen

Even on cloudy days it is so important to have sunscreen applied daily. You can even use a face primer lotion that has SPF in it. Make sure that you use something with a 15 SPF minimum.

Reassess Your Cleansing Products

If you opt for fruity shower gels in the Summer, it may be a good time to pull out creamier body washes for the Fall and Winter. Keep in mind that weekly exfoliation can be helpful as well.

Repair Your Lips to Soft and Supple

If the summer sun and chlorine has left your lips dry and cracked, nourish your lips back to health with concentrated moisture. A gentle scrub will help smooth out dry, cracked lips and leave them soft and supple. For daily use, opt for an anti-aging product for your lips.

Moisturize Daily

This is key to keeping dry skin at bay. Keep in mind that moisturizing after bathing is a great way to seal in moisture. If you are like me and are always in a hurry, try a spray moisturizer. You can spray it on quick and take care of business in no time.

Don’t forget to keep your feet moisturized too. We recommend keeping a bottle of your moisturizer in the glove box of your car so that if you have forgotten to moisturize, you can get it done really quick before leaving the car!


Advanced Dermatology Care of Southern California is a comprehensive dermatology group providing general & surgical dermatology, cosmetic enhancements and plastic surgery with two Southern California locations. Under the direction of Michael P. Tabibian, M.D., Medical Director, our collective experience aims to provide our patients innovative and highly individualized skin treatment solutions for patients of all ages and skin types.