The Basics of Cystic Acne - Advanced Dermatology Care
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The Basics of Cystic Acne

cystic acne

Cystic acne is a chronic skin condition that can be painful, embarrassing, and difficult to treat. It affects millions of people worldwide and can lead to emotional distress and scarring if left untreated. Let’s take a look at what cystic acne is, its causes, and how it can be managed.

What is Cystic Acne?

Cystic acne is caused by clogged pores that become infected with bacteria. This causes the pore to become inflamed and form an acne cyst deep beneath the skin’s surface. While all forms of acne are uncomfortable, cystic acne tends to be particularly painful because it penetrates so deep into the dermis layer of skin. It also tends to cause more scarring than milder forms of acne.

Causes of Cystic Acne

A variety of factors can lead to cystic acne breakouts, including genetics, hormonal changes, diet choices, stress levels, and lifestyle habits. People with oily or combination skin are more prone to developing this type of acne than those with dry or normal skin types. Additionally, certain medications such as steroids or birth control pills may trigger an outbreak in some individuals.

Managing Cystic Acne

The best way to manage cystic acne is to seek professional assistance from a dermatologist or other medical professional who specializes in skincare conditions such as this one. Depending on the severity of your condition and your individual needs, they may recommend various treatments such as topical creams or oral medications in order to reduce inflammation and prevent further breakouts from occurring. In extreme cases where scars have occurred due to the formation of cysts, laser therapy or chemical peels may be recommended in order to help reduce their appearance over time.

No matter what type of skin you have or what your lifestyle looks like, chances are you’ve experienced some form of acne at least once in your life—and if you haven’t yet had it happen yet then you might still find yourself dealing with it at some point down the line! Unfortunately for many people out there—especially those who already struggle with oily skin—cystic acne can be even more difficult than regular kinds thanks to the deep-seated nature of these lesions on the face (or any other part). To ensure that you get effective treatment for your condition it’s important that you first understand what causes it and then talk with your doctor about possible treatments available so that you get back on track towards clearer looking skin!


Advanced Dermatology Care of Southern California is a comprehensive dermatology group providing general & surgical dermatology, cosmetic enhancements and plastic surgery with two Southern California locations. Under the direction of Michael P. Tabibian, M.D., Medical Director, our collective experience aims to provide our patients innovative and highly individualized skin treatment solutions for patients of all ages and skin types.