The Causes and Treatments of Dandruff and Itchy Scalp - Advanced Dermatology Care
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The Causes and Treatments of Dandruff and Itchy Scalp


If you’ve been experiencing an itchy scalp accompanied by white or yellowish flakes, there’s a good chance that you have dandruff. Dandruff is a common condition that can affect anyone, but it is often seen in adults between the ages of 18-54. While it may not be a serious medical issue, it can cause embarrassment and discomfort if left untreated. Let’s break down what causes dandruff and how you can treat it.

What Causes Dandruff?

The exact cause of dandruff is unknown, but many factors can contribute to its severity. Common triggers include stress, hormones, certain illnesses and medications, dry scalp skin, lack of shampooing (or over-shampooing), sensitivity to hair care products, yeast on the scalp, cold weather conditions, and certain skin disorders like eczema. It’s important to note that dandruff cannot be caused by poor hygiene.

How to Treat Itchy Scalp

Treating an itchy scalp depends on why your scalp is itching in the first place. To get rid of an itchy scalp due to dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis (a common form of eczema), your doctor will likely recommend medicated shampoos which contain antifungal or anti-inflammatory ingredients such as ketoconazole or zinc pyrithione. These shampoos can help reduce inflammation and eliminate excess oil from your hair follicles while also killing any fungus or bacteria on the surface of your scalp. You should use these shampoos two to three times a week for best results. Additionally, they should be used for at least 4 weeks before judging whether they are effective for you or not.

If your itchiness is caused by something other than dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis (such as psoriasis), then your doctor may prescribe topical corticosteroid creams which help reduce inflammation and redness on the skin’s surface. A mild hydrocortisone cream may also be recommended for mild cases of itching due to irritation from styling products or allergies to certain substances found in shampoos or conditioners. Additionally, taking a daily vitamin supplement with omega-3 fatty acids has been known to provide relief from itching caused by dry skin and other forms of eczema as well as reducing inflammation in some cases.

Dandruff is a very common condition that can cause embarrassment and discomfort if left untreated; however, there are treatments available that can help alleviate symptoms such as itchiness and flaking while also helping to prevent future outbreaks. Medicated shampoos containing antifungal ingredients are typically prescribed for treating both dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis while topical corticosteroid creams may be recommended for other types of skin irritation associated with an itchy scalp. Taking daily supplements with omega-3 fatty acids may also provide relief from itching due to dry skin conditions related to eczema or allergies related to hair care products. No matter what type of treatment you choose for your itchy scalp issues, always consult with a dermatologist first in order to ensure safe use and proper dosage instructions!


Advanced Dermatology Care of Southern California is a comprehensive dermatology group providing general & surgical dermatology, cosmetic enhancements and plastic surgery with two Southern California locations. Under the direction of Michael P. Tabibian, M.D., Medical Director, our collective experience aims to provide our patients innovative and highly individualized skin treatment solutions for patients of all ages and skin types.