Benefits of IPL for Spider Veins

Spider veins develop for various reasons, they can be connected to genetics, pregnancy, increasing age, obesity, and sun damage. Unfortunately, spider veins can make you feel extremely self-conscious especially when they are on visible parts of your body that you …

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Botox vs. Facial Filler

Deciding between getting Botox or Facial Filler can be confusing if you don’t quite understand the difference. Below is a brief summary of the main difference patients need to be aware of. A good place to start at is identifying …

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Psoriasis Awareness Month

August is Psoriasis Awareness Month, making it a good time to have an annual skin checkup and learn about signs and symptoms of this autoimmune disease. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation there are roughly 7.5 million Americans who suffer …

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5 Summer Skin Care Tips

Summer time can be harsh on your skin if you don’t take care of it properly. The sun’s powerful rays can lead to skin cancer and create serious health issues. Luckily, there are several easy steps you can take to …

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