August is Psoriasis Awareness Month, making it a good time to have an annual skin checkup and learn about signs and symptoms of this autoimmune disease. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation there are roughly 7.5 million Americans who suffer from this disease. Although psoriasis is common, there are still many people who don’t understand how individuals are affected on a daily basis. Like mentioned previously, psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, it appears on the skin as raised red patches of white dead skin cells. Essentially, psoriasis occurs when there is rapid skin production. Usually, our skin cells grow gradually and then appear on the surface lasting about a month. However, those with psoriasis have a much more rapid process that happen within a matter of days. Psoriasis can be very painful and debilitating, and some people suffer from psoriatic arthritis that causes damage to the joints. It is important to note that psoriasis isn’t contagious, and for most people it comes and goes depending on various factors. Additionally, psoriasis can affect people of all races and ages; therefore, kids can also suffer from the chronic disorder.
Currently, there is no cure for psoriasis but there are many treatment options available. On top of the physical toll that psoriasis has on a person, there is also a mental and emotional toll. Many people with psoriasis have shown to have higher levels on anxiety, depression, and embarrassment since the disease is so visible. There are various symptoms to be aware of if you think you may have psoriasis. If you notice that you have patches of red skin that are itchy and are located on your elbows, scalp, back, feet, and neck, then it is a possibility that you have psoriasis. Those are the most common areas of the body that psoriasis appears, however, it can essentially appear anywhere on the body. Also, if you notice that your joints feel stiff or sore as soon as you wake up, these may be symptoms of psoriatic arthritis.
It is a condition that shouldn’t be taken lightly or over looked and if you or a loved one are suffering from psoriasis then it is important that you visit your doctor or dermatologist to find a treatment option that is best for you. You don’t need to feel isolated, there is an entire community of people that are dedicated in spreading awareness of this chronic disease. It has become so widely spread that even celebrities are speaking out about their experiences with psoriasis. Besides medication, many individuals manage their psoriasis by eating a healthy diet, exercising, not smoking, and reducing their alcohol intake A healthy diet may include plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, lean meats, and fish. Many of these factors may trigger your psoriasis; therefore, it is best to avoid any potential irritants. Take the time to educate yourself about psoriasis, and how you can best manage the condition so that you’re able to sustain a happy and healthy lifestyle.