Growing up, your body began to change, and you started to develop into the person that you are today. For men, you began to grow more hair, get bigger and stronger, and your voice drastically changed. For girls, you begin your menstrual period, develop physically, and undergo changes to other parts of your body.
These are all part of growing up. It is also that you develop skin issues, such as blackheads, pimples, whiteheads, and other forms of acne. These are quite common for both boys and girls in their teen years, but the terms are often used interchangeably. While all three are troublesome skin conditions, there is a difference between each of them.
What Are Pimples?
Pimples are often referred to by medical professionals as acne. This is the most common type of skin malady in the United States, as nearly 50 million people suffer from some form of acne. Included in acne are such things as breakouts, zits, and comedones.
Pimples occur when oil glands and hair follicles become plugged with bacteria, dead skin cells, and oil. While most often appearing on your face, this condition can occur in other areas as well, including on your chest, back, legs, shoulders, and neck.
What Are Blackheads?
Most are quite familiar with blackheads. The name is a good depiction of how they appear on your skin and are most often found in areas such as your nose, cheeks, and forehead.
These are the least annoying of the skin conditions. Blackheads occur when pores become clogged. When this occurs, black dots appear beneath the surface of the skin.
What Are Whiteheads?
Whiteheads develop in the same way as blackheads. The poor become clogged with sebum, oils, bacteria, and dead skin cells. However, what makes the whiteheads different is that the pore remains covered, developing a whitehead on the surface of your skin.
Many people find that whiteheads develop in spots where friction occurs, such as where they may have a shirt rubbing against their neck or a backpack against their back. However, this is not the only reason that whiteheads will develop. Many men develop whiteheads as hair is either shaved or begins to grow back after shaving in their face and neck area.
Not Fun, But…
None of these conditions is enjoyable. It can be quite irritating to have pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads. However, this is a common issue with those who are developing into adults. However, if these conditions become chronic and persistent, you should seek the help of a dermatologist.